Cool Projects

City website and rebranding

I led a 3-year effort to rebrand the City of Walla Walla and redesign the website. This effort first involved establishing a stakeholder group that met regularly to provide guidance for the brand. After creating the brand, I worked closely with all City departments to audit website content, determine an information hierarchy, create new content, and make a “wish list” for developers. I also worked alongside internal IT staff members to conduct the RFP and choose the vendor. We conducted a study of website users to determine how people interacted with the current website. The developers, IT staff members, and I collaborated over many months to hone the website in order to meet the needs of citizens and department stakeholders. After this process, a group of representative users tested the site and provided feedback. Prior to launch, we designated a select group of stakeholders as superusers and editors in each department. We conducted trainings to familiarize this group with the CMS. In the end, the website became a sustainable and modern public servant that facilitated transparency and allowed citizens to easily conduct business with the city government.

David Brauhn